-Moxibustion - a treatment used to warm the body and move Qi
-Cupping - glass, plastic or silicone cups increase circulation and support tissue healing
-Electroacupuncture - the use of an electrostimulation device that sends pulsed or continuous electrical impulses to acupuncture needles to help move Qi, reduce pain, and support relaxation
-Soft tissue work
-Spinal manipulations
I practice Traditional Chinese Medicine as an additional method to support the body's natural capacity to heal.
The body is thought to have over 2,000 acupuncture points connected by meridians (pathways) linking to specific internal organ systems.
Needling an acupuncture point creates a physiological change in your body through stimulating energy (Qi). This is an important understanding as disease is thought to occur when there is a disruption in the body's energy flow or Qi.
Acupuncture points are believed to activate your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) which subsequently cause chemicals to be released. These biochemicals (such as endorphins) create changes that stimulate your body's natural functions, and the ability to regulate and heal itself. Acupuncture regulates the body's innate drive towards homeostasis, can reduce inflammation and pain, and promotes relaxation.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture can also be used, and this is a form of acupuncture that involves both body and facial points to address the root of aesthetic concerns. The acupuncture points in the skin enhance the production of collagen and increase blood flow that can help reduce inflammation (and puffiness), and target fine lines and wrinkles. The treatments are finished with a gua sha, facial massage, and or cupping.